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JSON Editor

JSON Editor tool is an online tool which helps to edit JSON data along with formatting it. Just Upload JSON file/paste JSON code and start editing it.

Enter or Paste Your JSON:
fullScreen button
Load URL (json)

Edit Conveniently with JSON Editor Online

When it comes to exchanging data over servers, then JSON is a viable option. The reason is it can easily store data in the text format which can be converted into a JavaScript object when downloaded from a server. The server receives data in plain text which is why any JavaScript object can be converted to JSON format before sending or receiving the information. JSON stands for JavaScript Object Orientation which gives data a human readable style.

Another reason for its popularity is the JSON Schema which allows us to provide the type and description at the start of every object to understand which object in the file contains what kind of information. The primary purpose of JSON code is to send data from a server to the client, which upon receiving will be displayed in a browser without any delay.

You can edit those large files with our JSON Decode online tool without any trouble. Add more objects, values or erase some extra keys or arrays. Its objects are similar to the ones in JavaScript, and it is easy to understand for people who are already aware of the language. JSON Editor is not a problematic tool to deal with, and it doesn’t have a massive impact on your system resources.

This tool is made for your convenience so that you don’t have to go through the difficulties of installing and programming a new software in your computer for this purpose.

JSON Decode Online/JSON File Editor and Advantages of This Format

JSON files if large are hard to deal with, which is why it is best to use a program for modification motives. JSON is way simpler than XML because of having fewer attributes and grammar which also makes it easily editable and with the help of our file editor you can validate, beautify, change or add more to your objects. If you are wondering about why would you prefer JSON over XML? Then below given reasons will answer your question.

  •    It is Simpler

One of the most significant benefits is it is more straightforward than XML and it doesn’t have a lot of elements like the rest of programming languages plus you can add more structural information in the document.

  •    No Need for Extensibility

It does not need to be extensible because it is not like a markup language which is why you don’t have to add new tags or attributes to represent the information it contains.

  •    Lighter than Others

JSON is shorter, faster and quite lightweight when compared to other data exchanging formats like XML. So, for data transfers between servers and browsers, JSON is the preferred format.

  •    Easy to learn

It may look difficult if you see a well-organized structure of JSON in a file but the only tough part is the indentation, and you don’t have to learn a lot of elements by heart for storing and retrieving information from a JSON object.

If we talk about similarities then, JSON is like XML because it is self-describing means its human readable, both can contain values within values, they can be parsed and used with different programming languages, and they can be easily fetched with XMLHttpRequest. The two of the main differences are it doesn’t require an ending tag, and it can use arrays.

JSON Elements And JSON Beautifier

JSON syntax has to follow some rules for its validity. Its data should be in key/value pairs, and the key should be a string and the values must be a valid JSON type which includes (String, number, object, array, Boolean). The object should be enclosed in curly braces which contain these pairs, and a colon must separate key/value pairs. In short, the data is in pairs, square brackets hold arrays, and curly brackets hold objects.

JavaScript can have all the above values plus other valid JavaScript expressions. Our JSON Reader Online comes with a beautifier so even if you are writing in a messy manner than no need to worry because our tool can take care of your tangled writing in no time.

How To Use Our JSON Editor Online Tool

JSON Encode Online does not only read and displays your current file, but it shows what you can do to make it better by highlighting your errors. This tool can validate your JSON style and also minify it if you want. Follow the below-given ways to start editing your file.

    1. On the page of JSON Editor online you will see a box with the title “Enter or Paste Your JSON” where you can write text it, paste it or provide a link to it if the file is present somewhere else on the internet. The text box appears like this on the page of JSON tool:


    1. There are three options present in the JSON file editor on the top left corner, one is for properly indenting your JSON structure, second is for removing all the whitespaces which will give you a compact view, and upon pressing the third one you will get a clean error free JSON. It will fix all the indentation, remove comments and will turn any JavaScript Objects to JSON Objects.


    1. When you are done writing and editing you can process it by pressing the Process button, and there are options like validate, JSON Code editor, Tree editor and copy to the clipboard in the results to save your time.


  1. This is where you download, save the file and use it where you should, else if you are using it for practice motives than you can try the different examples present over the internet for learning purposes.


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